Actor: Kelvin Fortune
Kelvin Fortune a known Guyanese socialite who goes by a number of Aliases, including: ‘SELFIEBOSS’, ‘Timothy Boss’, and ‘Vicious’ (a female character he created), hosted a screening for his debut film ‘Choices’ at the Guyana National Library. With his characteristic enthusiasm, quick wit and sense of humour, this budding film director introduced the film. In attendance were the Minister of Social Cohesion Hon. George Norton, Ms. Charmaine Blackman a veteran of the arts in Guyana, members of the media and associates of the film.
Choices is a beautiful high-quality film that mainstreamed much of Guyanese culture and folklore. It tells the story of young lovers, their journey to self-realization and romance, and features only local music and scenery. In this film Kelvin stuck to Guyanese dialect and uses light Humor, especially through the character ‘Vicious’ to address some of the most glaring social issues in Guyana including HIV/AIDS, mental health and suicide, parenting, peer pressure, alcoholism, teenage pregnancy, and so much more. These issues are explored through the lens of a group of young adults and their families as they struggle to find their places in the world and come to the realization of the consequences of their choices along life’s journey.
In his Opening remarks Kelvin detailed the journey of the cast and crew towards the actual production of the film. He told the audience that the project was not a selfish one but one that seeks to highlight and showcase local talent and to put Guyana on the map in the realm of theatre arts. He also stated that the project needs the help and support of Guyanese patriots to be successful.
Kevin Fortune
After the screening in his closing remarks Mr. Fortune thanked his team for what he described as unrelenting support. He boasted to the audience of the commitment shown to the project by all involved and committed to working with his team and all possible sponsors to ensure that the film makes its way into the Caribbean mainstream and further afield.
In a subsequent interview, Ms. Charmaine Blackman veteran of the arts in Guyana described the film as a very good first effort. She said that she herself having been a part of some 13 film-projects sympathies with the film producer’s plight in working on what she describes as a “shoe string” budget. She applauded the abundance of fresh faces and talents displayed in the project and stated that though there is definite room for improvement it was an overall good effort. She also reiterated the need for sponsors to come on board in order that this project and other such local projects be successful.
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#Guyanesemovie, #caribbeanmovies, #KevivFortune, #TimothyBoss, #Choices