Machel Montano

Machel Montano

Machel Montano To Receive Caribbean Music Lifetime Achievement Award

Written by: Lesandra Scott

Mark your calendars because the Caribbean Music Awards is now a reality!

On August 31st, Caribbean Elite Group, the publisher of Caribbean Elite Magazine will host the inaugural Caribbean Music Awards at the Kings Theatre in Brooklyn.  On that night, in a moment that will undoubtedly be filled with applause and admiration, Machel Montano, a stalwart of the Soca Industry will be honored with the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award.

Throughout his illustrious and well-documented journey, Machel Montano has been a trailblazer, visionary, and an inspiration to countless aspiring individuals in the soca space. From humble beginnings to the pinnacle of success, his unwavering dedication and passion for the craft that is soca have been evident in each endeavor.

Caribbean Music Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes not only Machel Montano’s outstanding achievements but also his significant contributions to the advancement and evolution of the Soca industry. His groundbreaking work has without a doubt pushed boundaries, challenged norms, and transformed the landscape of the genre.

Caribbean Music Awards is a platform to recognize, honor, and celebrate Caribbean talent who have made significant contributions to the enhancement of Caribbean music and the development of its rich and diverse culture. The event will be hosted by Haitian rapper Wyclef Jean and boasts 26 categories including Soca, Kompa, Dancehall, Zouk, and Reggae. Viewing of the ceremony will be made available on August 31st via YouTube live stream.



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